穿幫的读音 穿幫的意思
辞典解释穿帮 chuān bāng 鞋子边缘或鞋面缝合处绽裂,使脚显露出来。比喻出丑或泄露底细。 如:「这件裙子实在太短了,很容易穿帮。」、「谎言迟早要穿帮的。」英语 (TV or movie) blooper, continuity error, (theater) to flub one's lines, unintended exposure of a body part, to be exposed (of a scheme or trick), to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue, to blow one's cover德语 ans Licht kommen (V)法语 bêtisier, bourde, exposition involontaire d'une partie du corps, lapsus révélateur, faire une gaffe
- 穿
- 幫
- 拼音读音:
- [chuān bāng]
- 汉字注音:
- ㄔㄨㄢ ㄅㄤ
- 简繁字形:
- 穿帮
- 是否常用:
- 否
穿帮 chuān bāng ㄔㄨㄢ ㄅㄤ 鞋子边缘或鞋面缝合处绽裂,使脚显露出来。比喻出丑或泄露底细。
英语 (TV or movie) blooper, continuity error, (theater) to flub one's lines, unintended exposure of a body part, to be exposed (of a scheme or trick), to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue, to blow one's cover
德语 ans Licht kommen (V)
法语 bêtisier, bourde, exposition involontaire d'une partie du corps, lapsus révélateur, faire une gaffe
* 穿幫的读音是:chuān bāng,穿幫的意思:辞典解释穿帮 chuān bāng 鞋子边缘或鞋面缝合处绽裂,使脚显露出来。比喻出丑或泄露底细。 如:「这件裙子实在太短了,很容易穿帮。」、「谎言迟早要穿帮的。」英语 (TV or movie) blooper, continuity error, (theater) to flub one's lines, unintended exposure of a body part, to be exposed (of a scheme or trick), to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue, to blow one's cover德语 ans Licht kommen (V)法语 bêtisier, bourde, exposition involontaire d'une partie du corps, lapsus révélateur, faire une gaffe
穿帮 chuān bāng ㄔㄨㄢ ㄅㄤ鞋子边缘或鞋面缝合处绽裂,使脚显露出来。比喻出丑或泄露底细。
英语 (TV or movie) blooper, continuity error, (theater) to flub one's lines, unintended exposure of a body part, to be exposed (of a scheme or trick), to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue, to blow one's cover
德语 ans Licht kommen (V)
法语 bêtisier, bourde, exposition involontaire d'une partie du corps, lapsus révélateur, faire une gaffe