張揖的读音 張揖的意思
辞典解释张揖 zhāng yī 人名。字稚让,三国魏清河人,生卒年不详。明太和中,官博士。著有《广雅》、《埤仓》、《古今字诂》等,今后二种皆失传,惟《广雅》存。 英语 Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让[Zhi4 rang4], named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅[Guang3 ya3] and several lost works
- 張
- 揖
- 拼音读音:
- [zhāng yī]
- 汉字注音:
- ㄓㄤ ㄧ
- 简繁字形:
- 张揖
- 是否常用:
- 否
张揖 zhāng yī ㄓㄤ ㄧ 人名。字稚让,三国魏清河人,生卒年不详。明太和中,官博士。著有《广雅》、《埤仓》、《古今字诂》等,今后二种皆失传,惟《广雅》存。
英语 Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让[Zhi4 rang4], named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅[Guang3 ya3] and several lost works
* 張揖的读音是:zhāng yī,張揖的意思:辞典解释张揖 zhāng yī 人名。字稚让,三国魏清河人,生卒年不详。明太和中,官博士。著有《广雅》、《埤仓》、《古今字诂》等,今后二种皆失传,惟《广雅》存。 英语 Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让[Zhi4 rang4], named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅[Guang3 ya3] and several lost works
张揖 zhāng yī ㄓㄤ ㄧ人名。字稚让,三国魏清河人,生卒年不详。明太和中,官博士。著有《广雅》、《埤仓》、《古今字诂》等,今后二种皆失传,惟《广雅》存。
英语 Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让[Zhi4 rang4], named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅[Guang3 ya3] and several lost works